Occupational noise - assessment and control
Pollution Control Consultancy and Design (PCCD) provides outstanding occupational noise surveys: our surveys, unlike most of the others readily available now, do not only finger possible problems,
but also effectively resolve them by developing or helping you to develop thorough administrative and/or engineering noise reduction programs.
Our engineering noise reduction programs (modification of noisy equipment and/or modification of buildings and/or enclosures accommodating noisy equipment) are based on state-of-the-art measurements of
the sound intensity, which, unlike common measurements of sound pressure, allow to precisely locate and rank all noisy parts of mechanical plants (worn-out bearings,
vibrating panels, cooling fans, gear boxes, supporting structure).
Our occupational noise services include:
1. noise measurement and assessment with factory-/NATA-calibrated, Class 1:
- Brüel & Kjær (B&K) Real-Time Sound Analyzers types:
2250 and
2270; and
- Svantek unique Real-Time Sound Analyzer - Dual-channel Acoustic Dosimeter type
SV 102A:
2. verification of compliance with the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 and
Australian/New Zealand Standard:
Occupational noise management (AS/NZS 1269: 2005);
3. complete, apt and cost-effective engineering noise reduction program, based on state-of-the-art
of the sound intensity, that may include:
- design of noise barriers, enclosures and silencers;
- design of noise barriers, enclosures and silencers;
- modification of buildings, rooms and/or enclosures accommodating noisy equipment;
4. accurate (based on noise frequency spectra) selection of appropriate personal hearing protectors
in areas
where engineering noise reduction is impractical or cannot be implemented immediately;
5. formal written report that, in full, includes:
- discussion on occupational noise criteria;
- complete results of noise measurements, including octave band and/or third-octave band spectra of noise;
- plotting of sound energy contours (isopleths of L
Aeq) over the "factory floor";
- detailed discussion of measurement results;
- administrative and/or engineering noise reduction programs; and
selection and/or verification of appropriate personal hearing protectors.
Measurements, assessments and control of noise and vibration since 1995.