With our comprehensive academic qualifications coupled with
extensive practical engineering experience and technical skills, and
with our all-inclusive, world-class, specialist measuring
equipment and software, we will find effective solutions to
essentially any noise problems.
Pollution Control Consultancy and Design (PCCD) provides comprehensive services in measurements, assessments and control of industrial noise and vibration.
Our services include:
Measurements and assessments of industrial noise according to the
EPA Noise Policy for Industry (NPfI) - industrial noise affecting residential premises, and industrial noise
along industrial and commercial boundaries.
Measurements and assessments of industrial noise according to Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2011 - industrial noise affecting employees (for details see:
occupational noise).
Comprehensive noise reduction programs, which in the most complex cases are based on
state-of-the-art measurements of the sound intensity.
Determination of the sound power level of various products (cooling towers, pumps, compressors, fans, air conditioners, etc.) in-situ, on the factory floor.
Measurements and assessment of vibration on proposed building sites near railway corridors according to the EPA "Assessing Vibration: a technical guideline."
Measurements, assessments and control of noise and vibration since 1995.