Pollution Control Consultancy and Design

Acoustical Consultants (Noise and Vibration) - Sydney

Computer-aided Modeling of Dispersion of Noise (Noise Prediction)

With our comprehensive academic qualifications coupled with extensive practical engineering experience and technical skills, and with our all-inclusive, world-class, specialist measuring equipment and software, we will find effective solutions to essentially any noise problems.

Power station

Pollution Control Consultancy and Design carries out noise prediction (noise propagation, noise dispersion) modeling that takes into account:

  1. spectrum of noise (frequency of noise in octave or one-third octave bands);
  2. geometric spreading (divergence, distance attenuation) of noise;
  3. absorption of noise by air depending on atmospheric temperature, pressure and humidity;
  4. atmospheric stability (temperature gradient effects, temperature inversion);
  5. speed and direction of wind;
  6. topography;
  7. ground effects (absorption); and
  8. presence of roads, industrial sites, buildings, noise barriers, enclosures and foliage.

Depending on project-specific requirements, we carry out the noise dispersion modeling with five different programs (software), viz.

1.    Brüel & Kjær (B&K) Predictor 7810 (Denmark/Holland/Germany) - industrial, road and railway noise;
2.    CadnaA of DataKustic (Germany) - industrial, road traffic and railway noise;
3.    RTA ENM (Environmental Noise Model) (Australia) - industrial noise;
4.    US Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) TNM (Traffic Noise Model) (USA) - road traffic noise;
5.    Pollution Control Consultancy and Design (PCCD) in-house developed industrial noise model (Australia).

Below, an example of results of our noise dispersion modeling with the PCCD in-house developed software
- isopleths (isophones) of the LAeq,T around drilling operation (source of noise at 0,0):

Modeling of dispersion of noise

Such presented results allow to significantly reduce noise impact in sensitive directions just by proper orientation of noisy equipment.

Note that the isopleth of 50 dB(A) reaches:

  • 450 metres on the East;
  • 500 metres on the West;
  • just over 500 metres on the South; and
  • nearly 1100 metres on the North.